首頁/ 產品介紹/ 相機/ Adimec/ Adimec - QUARTZ series


荷蘭 Adimec 1992 年以來,專注製造高性能的工業用相機,Adimec 除了擁有客

製化的專業能力,同時具備優異性能與可靠的品質,相機內建 FPGA、Memory 

Buffter、支援 HDR(High Dynamic Range),可進行多種影像校正, 滿足各類特

殊的應用需求,目前已被國際 AOI 第一大廠指定使用。
Adimec - QUARTZ series

Adimec - QUARTZ series

QUARTZ series:
High speed CMOS global shutter cameras

The Adimec QUARTZ series is the most versatile line of high-performance cameras in the market, offering a wide range of capabilities for a variety of applications. Through Adimec’s proprietary True Accurate Imaging® technology applied with state of the art global shutter CMOS image sensors, the QUARTZ series delivers an optimized combination of performance and measurement accuracy needed for specific system requirements.


The QUARTZ series is ideal for metrology and inspection equipment, and for moving from 2D to 3D inspection. QUARTZ cameras can be customized to meet your specific system application and architecture requirements.

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