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Euresys - Coaxlink系列

Euresys - Coaxlink系列

Ultimate in performance with superior value CoaXPress frame grabbers
Coaxlink is a series of four CoaXPress frame grabbers. They acquire images from the fastest and highest resolution cameras on the market. The Coaxlink cards uses standard coaxial cables and the latest DIN1.0/2.3 connectors featuring a robust push/pull latching system for reliable industrial application. The Coaxlink Quad G3, Coaxlink Quad, Coaxlink Duo and Coaxlink Mono target applications requiring high data rates, high frame rates, consistent real-time timings but also longer cable length, greater cable reliability and flexibility. Typical examples of applications for the Coaxlink frame grabbers are AOI, SPI and 3D SPI, printing inspection, Flat Panel Display or glass inspection.
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