首頁/ 產品介紹/ 鏡頭/ QIOPTIQ/ Linos - Rodagon


面掃描 / 線掃瞄專用工業鏡頭 - Linos

德國 LINOS 公司是全球精密光學儀器的領導品牌,市場涉及鐳射、光學鏡頭、測量技術、

醫學、生物工程及半導體等方面的應用。100 多年的豐富經驗以及最高端的技術知識,

Linos - Rodagon

Linos - Rodagon

High performance lens featuring a highly consistent imaging quality and broad magnification range
The Linos measuring lenses developed by Qioptiq feature the highest resolution, excellent contrast, minimum distortion and color neutrality.
They sharply reproduce images all the way to the very edges of the object
High-performance lens featuring a highly consistent imaging quality and broad magnification range. 
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